In Spill Containment

If you are handling any kind of liquid in an industrial setting, a spill containment plan is crucial. Having proactive and comprehensive spill containment systems in place sets an effective worksite apart from an inefficient and unsafe one.

Without effective spill containment, worksites can experience damage to equipment, safety risks to their workers, and hefty fines for regulatory violations. In this post, we’ll explain spill containment, why it is important, and how Enviro-Pads can help you develop a proactive and comprehensive plan.

What is Spill Containment?

Spill containment refers to systems that control and stop hazardous spills in industrial contexts. By effectively stopping the spread of these materials, spill containment lessens the risk of harmful materials contaminating groundwater or other environmental factors.

Primary versus Secondary Spill Containment

There are primary and secondary spill containment solutions. Primary spill containment refers to the materials used to store hazardous materials directly, such as tanks, drums, or other containers. It is seen as the “first line of defense” to safely hold chemicals and prevent spills.

Secondary spill containment, such as spill pallets, berms, or trays, serves as the backup systems for any liquids that leak or spill from their primary containment. Regulations require secondary containment to protect against accidents or breaches of the primary systems.

Passive versus Active Spill Containment

Additionally, there are both passive and active spill containment solutions. Passive containment systems are pre-installed systems that don’t require human intervention to work. The advantage of passive containment is that these measures are always in place and provide continuous protection.

On the other hand, active containment requires human operators to deploy them. Spill kits, absorbents, and containment booms are all common examples of active containment systems.

Benefits of Spill Containment

Spill containment is important for protecting the environment, keeping workers safe, and meeting relevant regulations.

Environmental Protection

Spill containment helps prevent materials from contaminating soil, groundwater, and surface water. By minimizing the risk of pollution, you can ensure that your site complies with regulations from Alberta Environment and other organizations.

Workplace Safety

In addition to protecting the environment, proper spill containment can protect your workers from potential chemical exposures or spills. When you prioritize spill containment, you create a worksite that puts the needs and safety of your workers first.

Regulatory Compliance

Finally, spill containment is important in industries that are subject to strict guidelines and mandated spill containment solutions. In addition to complying with Alberta Environment regulations, Enviro-Pads Containment Systems also meet the stringent guidelines set out by the Energy Resource Conservation Board and the Fire Code of Alberta.

Trust Enviro-Pads for Spill Containment Solutions

At Enviro-Pads, we specialize in passive containment solutions that improve your job site. Our products include portable wash pads, rig and wellhead containment systems, and hazardous storage units, all of which help you capture spills at the source and prevent environmental contamination.

Our highly customizable systems can be easily modified to suit your needs. Plus, pairing elements of our various systems ensures that every corner of your workplace is protected and compliant with environmental regulations and safety standards.

Enviro-Pads: The Solutions for Your Solutions

Ready to make your operations safer, more efficient, and eco-friendly? From heavy-duty wash pads to refuelling stations, Enviro-Pads products are designed to protect the environment while still meeting industry standards. Contact us today to find the right spill containment solution for you.

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